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CAS Number
02900  Aluminon ACS  569-58-4  MSDS Specifications
02924  Aluminum Ammonium Sulfate ACS  7784-26-1  N/A  N/A 
02949  Aluminum Potassium Sulfate ACS  7784-24-9  N/A  N/A 
03148  4-Aminoantipyrine ACS  83-07-8  MSDS Specifications
03156  1-Amino-2-naphthol-4-sulfonic Acid ACS  116-63-2  MSDS Specifications
03206  Ammonium Acetate Anhydrous ACS  631-61-8  MSDS Specifications
03210  Ammonium Bromide ACS  12124-97-9  MSDS Specifications
03250  Ammonium Chloride ACS  12125-02-9  MSDS Specifications
03255  Ammonium Fluoride ACS  12125-01-8  MSDS Specifications
03262  Ammonium Molybdate Tetrahydrate ACS  12054-85-2  MSDS Specifications
03282  Ammonium Oxalate 1 Hydrate ACS  6009-70-7  MSDS Specifications
03320  Ammonium Thiocyanate ACS  1762-95-4  MSDS Specifications
03500  Antipyrine, 99%  60-80-0  MSDS Specifications
03751  Anthrone ACS  90-44-8  MSDS Specifications
05031  Barium Acetate ACS  543-80-6  MSDS Specifications
05065  Barium Carbonate ACS  513-77-9  MSDS N/A 
05071  Barium Chloride Dihydrate ACS  10326-27-9  MSDS Specifications
05074  Barium Hydroxide 8 Hydrate ACS  12230-71-6  N/A  N/A 
05075  Barium Hydroxide 8 Hydrate ACS  12230-71-6  MSDS Specifications
05084  Barium Diphenylamine Sulfonate ACS  6211-24-1  MSDS Specifications
05120  Barium Nitrate ACS  10022-31-8  MSDS Specifications
05200  Bathocuproine ACS  4733-39-5  MSDS Specifications
05230  Bathophenanthroline  1662-01-7  MSDS Specifications
06131  Bismuth Nitrate 5 Hydrate ACS  10035-06-0  MSDS Specifications
06340  Bismuth Trioxide Reagent  1304-76-3  MSDS Specifications
06381  Biuret  108-19-0  MSDS Specifications
08142  Bromocresol Green Free Acid ACS  76-60-8  MSDS Specifications
08146  Bromocresol Green Sodium Salt ACS  62625-32-5  MSDS Specifications
08152  Bromocresol Purple Free Acid ACS  115-40-2  MSDS Specifications
08156  Bromocresol Purple Sodium Salt ACS  62625-30-3  MSDS Specifications
08162  Bromophenol Blue Free Acid ACS  115-39-9  MSDS Specifications
08166  Bromophenol Blue Sodium Salt ACS  62625-28-9  MSDS Specifications
08172  Bromothymol Blue Free Acid ACS  76-59-5  MSDS Specifications
08176  Bromothymol Blue Sodium Salt ACS  34722-90-2  MSDS Specifications
08902  1-Butanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous HPLC  2386-54-1  MSDS Specifications
09116  Calcium Acetate 1 Hydrate ACS  5743-26-0  MSDS Specifications
09130  Calcium Carbonate ACS  471-34-1  MSDS Specifications
09209  Calcium Nitrate 4 Hydrate ACS  13477-34-4  MSDS Specifications
09230  Calcium Sulfate 2 Hydrate ACS  10101-41-4  MSDS Specifications
10601  Chromotropic Acid Disodium Salt ACS   5808-22-0  MSDS Specifications
10907  Cobalt (II) Acetate ACS  6147-53-1  N/A  N/A 
10912  Cobalt (II) Chloride 6 Hydrate ACS  7791-13-1  MSDS N/A 
10917  Cobalt (II) Nitrate 6 Hydrate ACS  10026-22-9  MSDS N/A 
11100  Congo Red   573-58-0  MSDS Specifications
11500  Copper (II) Sulfate Anhydrous Reagent  7758-98-7  MSDS Specifications
11504  Copper (II) Sulfate Pentahydrate ACS  7758-99-8  MSDS Specifications
12103  o-Cresolphthalein Complexone  2411-89-4  MSDS N/A 
12801  1-Decanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous HPLC  13419-61-9  MSDS Specifications
14104  2,7-Dichlorofluorescein ACS  76-54-0  MSDS Specifications
14130  2,6-Dichloroindophenol Sodium Salt ACS  620-45-1  MSDS Specifications
14191  p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde ACS  100-10-7  MSDS Specifications
14211  Dimethylglyoxime ACS  95-45-4  MSDS Specifications
14214  Dimethylglyoxime Disodium salt  75006-64-3  MSDS Specifications
14222  Dimidium Bromide  518-67-2  MSDS Specifications
14239  Diphenylcarbazone  538-62-5  MSDS Specifications
14271  1,5-Diphenylcarbohydrazide ACS  140-22-7  MSDS Specifications
14290  2,5-Diphenyloxazole  92-71-7  MSDS Specifications
14302  2,2'-Dipyridyl ACS  366-18-7  MSDS N/A 
14502  5,5'-Dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid)  69-78-3  MSDS Specifications
14552  1,4-Dithiothreitol (DTT)  3483-12-3  MSDS N/A 
14800  Dithizone ACS  60-10-6  MSDS Specifications
18002  1-Dodecanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous HPLC  2386-53-0  MSDS Specifications
19253  Eosin Y Certified  17372-87-1  MSDS N/A 
20300  Eriochrome Black T ACS  1787-61-7  MSDS Specifications
20420  Ethidium Bromide  1239-45-8  MSDS Specifications
20432  EDTA Free Acid ACS  60-00-4  MSDS Specifications
20439  EDTA Dipotassium Dihydrate  25102-12-9  MSDS Specifications
20442  EDTA Disodium Salt 2 HY ACS  6381-92-6  MSDS Specifications
22120  Ferric Chloride Hexahydrate ACS  10025-77-1  MSDS Specifications
22220  Ferrous Sulfate 7 Hydrate ACS  7782-63-0  MSDS Specifications
25799  Gallic Acid Anhydrous ACS  149-91-7  MSDS Specifications
25801  Gallic Acid 1 Hydrate ACS   5995-86-8  MSDS Specifications
30150  1-Heptanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous HPLC  22767-50-6  MSDS Specifications
30154  1-Heptanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt 1 Hydrate HPLC  207300-90-1  MSDS Specifications
30180  1-Hexanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous HPLC   2832-45-3  MSDS Specifications
30184  1-Hexanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt 1 Hydrate HPLC  207300-91-2  MSDS Specifications
32091  Hydroxy Naphthol Blue ACS  165660-27-5  MSDS Specifications
32141  8-Hydroxyquinoline ACS  148-24-3  MSDS Specifications
33800  Imidazole ACS  288-32-4  MSDS Specifications
34001  Indigo Carmine  860-22-0  N/A  Specifications
35198  p-Iodonitrotetrazolium Violet (INT)  146-68-9  MSDS Specifications
46100  Lead Acetate 3 Hydrate ACS  6080-56-4  MSDS Specifications
46120  Lead Carbonate ACS  598-63-0  MSDS Specifications
46140  Lead Chloride  7758-95-4  MSDS Specifications
46160  Lead Nitrate ACS  10099-74-8  MSDS Specifications
46168  Lead Subacetate ACS  1335-32-6  MSDS Specifications
46170  Lead Sulfate  7446-14-2  MSDS Specifications
46312  Luminol  521-31-3  MSDS Specifications
46316  Luminol sodium salt hemihydrate  206658-90-4  MSDS Specifications
49104  Magnesium Chloride 6 Hydrate ACS  7791-18-6  MSDS Specifications
49131  Magnesium Nitrate 6 HY ACS  13446-18-9  MSDS N/A 
49137  Magnesium Sulfate 7HY ACS  10034-99-8  MSDS Specifications
49260  Manganese Chloride 4 Hydrate ACS  13446-34-9  MSDS Specifications
49270  Manganese Sulfate 1 Hydrate ACS  10034-96-5  MSDS Specifications
50120  Mercuric Acetate ACS  1600-27-7  MSDS Specifications
50123  Mercuric Bromide ACS  7789-47-1  MSDS Specifications
50131  Mercuric Chloride ACS  7487-94-7  MSDS Specifications
50150  Mercuric Iodide ACS  7774-29-0  MSDS Specifications
50161  Mercuric Nitrate Monohydrate ACS  7783-34-8  MSDS Specifications
50164  Mercuric Oxide Red ACS   21908-53-2  MSDS Specifications
50167  Mercuric Oxide Yellow, 98%  21908-53-2  MSDS Specifications
50171  Mercuric Sulfate ACS  7783-35-9  MSDS N/A 
50190  Mercuric Thiocyanate  592-85-8  MSDS Specifications
50196  Mercurous Chloride ACS  10112-91-1  MSDS Specifications
50200  Mercurous Nitrate 2 Hydrate ACS  7782-86-7  MSDS Specifications
50341  Methyl Orange ACS   547-58-0  MSDS Specifications
50362  Methyl Red Free Acid ACS  493-52-7  MSDS Specifications
50364  Methyl Red HCL ACS  63451-28-5  MSDS Specifications
50368  Methyl Red Sodium Salt ACS  845-10-3  MSDS Specifications
50390  Methylthymol Blue sodium salt ACS  1945-77-3  MSDS Specifications
51501  Molybdic Acid ACS  7782-91-4  MSDS Specifications
51601  Morin Hydrate  480-16-0  MSDS Specifications
52151  Murexide ACS  3051-09-0  MSDS Specifications
53361  Naphthol Green B ACS  19381-50-1  MSDS Specifications
53368  N-(1-Naphthyl)ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride ACS  1465-25-4  MSDS Specifications
53501  Neocuproine, 99%  484-11-7  MSDS Specifications
53505  Neocuproine hydrochloride hydrate  7296-20-0  MSDS Specifications
53700  Neotetrazolium Chloride  298-95-3  MSDS Specifications
54150  Neutral Red Crude  553-24-2  MSDS Specifications
54281  Ninhydrin ACS  485-47-2  MSDS Specifications
54472  Nitro Blue Tetrazolium Chloride (NBT)  298-83-9  N/A  N/A 
54900  4(p-Nitrophenylazo)resorcinol  74-39-5  MSDS Specifications
57150  1-Octanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous HPLC  5324-84-5  MSDS Specifications
57154  1-Octanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt 1 Hydrate HPLC  207596-29-0  MSDS Specifications
61179  P.A.R. Free Acid ACS  1141-59-9  MSDS Specifications
61182  P.A.R. Monosodium ACS  16593-81-0  MSDS Specifications
62150  1-Pentanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous HPLC  22767-49-3  MSDS Specifications
62155  1-Pentanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt 1 HY HPLC  207605-40-1  MSDS Specifications
62238  1,10-Phenanthroline Anhydrous  66-71-7  MSDS Specifications
62242  1,10-Phenanthroline 1 Hydrate ACS  5144-89-8  MSDS Specifications
62246  1,10-Phenanthroline 1 HCL Monohydrate  3829-86-5  MSDS Specifications
62272  Phenol Red Free Acid ACS  143-74-8  MSDS Specifications
62277  Phenol Red Sodium Salt ACS  34487-61-1  MSDS Specifications
62300  Phenolphthalein White ACS   77-09-8  MSDS Specifications
63605  Potassium Bromide ACS  7758-02-3  MSDS N/A 
63630  Potassium Carbonate Anhydrous ACS  584-08-7  MSDS Specifications
63633  Potassium Carbonate Sesquihydrate ACS  6381-79-9  MSDS Specifications
63638  Potassium Ferricyanide ACS  13746-66-2  MSDS Specifications
63650  Potassium Fluoride   7789-23-3  MSDS N/A 
63670  Potassium Iodide ACS  7681-11-0  N/A  Specifications
63770  Potassium Nitrate ACS  7757-79-1  MSDS Specifications
63797  Potassium Oxalate 1 HY ACS  6487-48-5  MSDS Specifications
63800  Potassium Periodate Meta ACS  7790-21-8  MSDS Specifications
63802  Potassium Phosphate Dibasic ACS  7758-11-4  MSDS Specifications
63804  Potassium Phosphate Monobasic ACS  7778-77-0  MSDS Specifications
63807  Potassium Sodium Tartrate 4HY ACS  6381-59-5  MSDS Specifications
63809  Potassium Phosphate, Tribasic Anhydrous ACS  7778-53-2  MSDS Specifications
63812  Potassium Thiocyanate ACS  333-20-0  MSDS Specifications
63913  1-Propanesulfonic acid sodium salt 1Hydrate  304672-01-3  MSDS Specifications
63915  2-Propanesulfonic acid sodium salt 1 Hydrate  5399-58-6  MSDS Specifications
64847  Pyrogallol ACS  87-66-1  MSDS Specifications
69091  Reinecke Salt ACS  13573-16-5  MSDS Specifications
69201  Resorcinol ACS  108-46-3  MSDS Specifications
73500  Salicylic Acid ACS   69-72-7  MSDS Specifications
74171  Silver Sulfate ACS  10294-26-5  N/A  Specifications
74210  Sodium Acetate 3 Hydrate ACS  6131-90-4  MSDS Specifications
74242  Sodium Bismuthate ACS  12232-99-4  MSDS Specifications
74290  Sodium Bromide ACS  7647-15-6  MSDS Specifications
74300  Sodium Carbonate 1 Hydrate ACS  5968-11-6  MSDS Specifications
74305  Sodium Cobaltinitrite ACS  13600-98-1  MSDS Specifications
74312  Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate Trihydrate ACS  20624-25-3  MSDS Specifications
74340  Sodium Diphenylaminesulfonate ACS  6152-67-6  MSDS Specifications
74391  Sodium Decyl Sulfate HPLC  142-87-0  MSDS Specifications
74402  Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate ACS  151-21-3  MSDS Specifications
74430  Sodium Fluoride ACS  7681-49-4  MSDS Specifications
74458  Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate ACS  10102-40-6  MSDS Specifications
74499  Sodium Nitrate ACS  7631-99-4  MSDS Specifications
74530  Sodium Nitrite ACS  7632-00-0  MSDS Specifications
74561  Sodium Nitroferricyanide dihydrate ACS   13755-38-9  MSDS Specifications
74575  Sodium Octyl Sulfate HPLC  142-31-4  MSDS Specifications
74588  Sodium Oxalate ACS  62-76-0  MSDS Specifications
74590  Sodium Periodate Meta ACS  7790-28-5  MSDS Specifications
74618  Sodium Phosphate, Dibasic, Heptahydrate ACS   7782-85-6  MSDS Specifications
74622  Sodium Phosphate Monobasic 1HY ACS   10049-21-5  MSDS Specifications
74880  Sodium Tartrate 2HY ACS  6106-24-7  MSDS Specifications
75800  Sodium Tetraborate 10 Hydrate ACS  1303-96-4  MSDS Specifications
75821  Sodium Tetraphenylborate ACS  143-66-8  MSDS Specifications
75825  Sodium Thiocyanate ACS  540-72-7  MSDS Specifications
75837  Sodium Thiosulfate 5HY ACS  10102-17-7  MSDS Specifications
75850  Sodium Tungstate 2 Hydrate ACS  10213-10-2  MSDS N/A 
75901  SPADNS ACS  23647-14-5  N/A  N/A 
76150  Stannous Chloride Dihydrate ACS  10025-69-1  MSDS Specifications
76220  Strontium Chloride 6 Hydrate ACS  10025-70-4  MSDS Specifications
76250  Strontium Nitrate ACS  10042-76-9  MSDS Specifications
76300  Succinic Acid ACS  110-15-6  MSDS Specifications
76452  Sulfanilic Acid Anhydrous ACS  121-57-3  MSDS Specifications
76473  Sulfobromophthalein Sodium  123359-42-2  MSDS Specifications
76550  5-Sulfosalicylic Acid 2 Hydrate ACS   5965-83-3  MSDS Specifications
77900  Tannic Acid ACS   1401-55-4  MSDS Specifications
77950  L (+)-Tartaric Acid ACS  87-69-4  MSDS Specifications
78027  3,3,5,5-Tetramethylbenzidine  54827-17-7  MSDS Specifications
78030  Tetrazolium Blue Chloride  1871-22-3  MSDS Specifications
78033  Tetranitroblue Tetrazolium Chloride  1184-43-6  MSDS Specifications
78039  Tetrazolium Violet  1719-71-7  MSDS Specifications
78096  Thiazolyl Blue (MTT)  298-93-1  MSDS Specifications
78182  Thymol Blue Free Acid ACS  76-61-9  MSDS Specifications
78187  Thymol Blue Sodium Salt ACS  62625-21-2  MSDS N/A 
78222  Thymolphthalein ACS  125-20-2  MSDS Specifications
80202  2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride  298-96-4  MSDS Specifications
83251  Urea Crystals ACS  57-13-6  MSDS Specifications
93150  Xylenol Orange Tetrasodium Salt ACS  3618-43-7  MSDS Specifications
94250  Zinc Acetate Dihydrate ACS  5970-45-6  MSDS Specifications
96350  Zinc Sulfate 7 Hydrate ACS  7446-20-0  MSDS Specifications
96410  Zincon Monosodium Salt ACS  62625-22-3  MSDS Specifications