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CAS Number
02793  Alizarin Complexone 2 Hydrate  3952-78-1  MSDS Specifications
02861  Alizarin Yellow GG  584-42-9  MSDS Specifications
08137  Bromochlorophenol Blue Sodium Salt  102185-52-4  N/A  N/A 
08142  Bromocresol Green Free Acid ACS  76-60-8  MSDS Specifications
08146  Bromocresol Green Sodium Salt ACS  62625-32-5  MSDS Specifications
08152  Bromocresol Purple Free Acid ACS  115-40-2  MSDS Specifications
08156  Bromocresol Purple Sodium Salt ACS  62625-30-3  MSDS Specifications
08162  Bromophenol Blue Free Acid ACS  115-39-9  MSDS Specifications
08166  Bromophenol Blue Sodium Salt ACS  62625-28-9  MSDS Specifications
08168  Bromopyrogallol Red  16574-43-9  MSDS Specifications
08172  Bromothymol Blue Free Acid ACS  76-59-5  MSDS Specifications
08176  Bromothymol Blue Sodium Salt ACS  34722-90-2  MSDS Specifications
08440  Bromophenol Red Free Acid  2800-80-8  MSDS Specifications
08443  Bromophenol Red Sodium Salt  102185-50-2  MSDS Specifications
08490  Bromoxylenol Blue  40070-59-5  N/A  Specifications
09268  Calconcarboxylic Acid  3737-95-9  MSDS Specifications
09330  Calmagite  3147-14-6  MSDS Specifications
09798  Chlorophenol Red  4430-20-0  MSDS Specifications
09801  Chlorophenol Red Free Acid  4430-20-0  MSDS Specifications
09803  Chlorophenol Red Sodium Salt  123333-64-2  MSDS Specifications
11100  Congo Red   573-58-0  MSDS Specifications
12100  o-Cresolphthalein  596-27-0  MSDS Specifications
12103  o-Cresolphthalein Complexone  2411-89-4  MSDS N/A 
12106  o-Cresolphthalein Compexone Sodium Salt  94442-10-1  MSDS Specifications
12131  Meta-Cresol Purple Free Acid  2303-01-7  MSDS Specifications
12135  meta-Cresol Purple W/S  62625-31-4  MSDS Specifications
12152  Cresol Red Free acid  1733-12-6  MSDS Specifications
12157  Cresol Red Sodium Salt  62625-29-0  MSDS Specifications
20320  Eriochrome Blue Black R  2538-85-4  MSDS Specifications
20507  Ethyl Orange Sodium Salt  62758-12-7  MSDS Specifications
20582  Ethyl Red Indicator  76058-33-8  MSDS Specifications
21140  Fast Sulphon Black F  3682-47-1  MSDS Specifications
23701  Fluorexon / Calcein  1461-15-0  MSDS Specifications
34051  Indophenol Blue  132-31-0  MSDS Specifications
34055  Indophenol Sodium Salt  5418-32-6  MSDS Specifications
35198  p-Iodonitrotetrazolium Violet (INT)  146-68-9  MSDS Specifications
35208  Iodonitrotetrazolium Violet Formazan  7781-49-9  MSDS N/A 
46252  Litmus  1393-92-6  MSDS Specifications
46312  Luminol  521-31-3  MSDS Specifications
50202  Metalphthalein ACS  2411-89-4  MSDS Specifications
50341  Methyl Orange ACS   547-58-0  MSDS Specifications
50362  Methyl Red Free Acid ACS  493-52-7  MSDS Specifications
50364  Methyl Red HCL ACS  63451-28-5  MSDS Specifications
50368  Methyl Red Sodium Salt ACS  845-10-3  MSDS Specifications
50390  Methylthymol Blue sodium salt ACS  1945-77-3  MSDS Specifications
51601  Morin Hydrate  480-16-0  MSDS Specifications
52151  Murexide ACS  3051-09-0  MSDS Specifications
53359  Naphtholbenzein  145-50-6  MSDS Specifications
53361  Naphthol Green B ACS  19381-50-1  MSDS Specifications
53365  a-Naphtholphthalein  596-01-0  MSDS Specifications
54310  Nitrazine Yellow  5423-07-4  MSDS Specifications
54802  3-Nitrophenol, 99%  554-84-7  MSDS Specifications
57620  Orange IV   554-73-4  MSDS Specifications
61151  1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-Naphthol  85-85-8  MSDS Specifications
61179  P.A.R. Free Acid ACS  1141-59-9  MSDS Specifications
61182  P.A.R. Monosodium ACS  16593-81-0  MSDS Specifications
62272  Phenol Red Free Acid ACS  143-74-8  MSDS Specifications
62277  Phenol Red Sodium Salt ACS  34487-61-1  MSDS Specifications
62300  Phenolphthalein White ACS   77-09-8  MSDS Specifications
62334  4-(Phenylazo)diphenylamine  101-75-7  MSDS Specifications
64825  Pyrocatechol Violet  115-41-3  MSDS Specifications
64854  Pyrogallol Red  32638-88-3  MSDS Specifications
68150  Quinaldine Red  117-92-0  MSDS Specifications
75901  SPADNS ACS  23647-14-5  N/A  N/A 
78012  Tetrabromophenol Blue  4430-25-5  MSDS Specifications
78030  Tetrazolium Blue Chloride  1871-22-3  MSDS Specifications
78033  Tetranitroblue Tetrazolium Chloride  1184-43-6  MSDS Specifications
78039  Tetrazolium Violet  1719-71-7  MSDS Specifications
78096  Thiazolyl Blue (MTT)  298-93-1  MSDS Specifications
78182  Thymol Blue Free Acid ACS  76-61-9  MSDS Specifications
78187  Thymol Blue Sodium Salt ACS  62625-21-2  MSDS N/A 
78222  Thymolphthalein ACS  125-20-2  MSDS Specifications
78225  Thymolphthalein complexone  1913-93-5  MSDS Specifications
80027  Tropaeolin O   547-57-9  MSDS Specifications
93050  Xylenol Blue  125-31-5  MSDS Specifications
93150  Xylenol Orange Tetrasodium Salt ACS  3618-43-7  MSDS Specifications

PH Indicators
(Visual Transition Interval)

Indicator pH Range and Color Change
Methyl Violet 2B Y 0.0 - 2.0 B
Crystal Violet Y 0.0 - 1.8 B
Ethyl Violet Y 0.0 - 3.5 B
Brilliant Green Y 0.0 - 2.6 G
Malachite Green Oxalate Y 0.2 - 1.8 B
Methyl Green Y 0.2 - 1.8 B
Patent Blue VF Y 0.8 - 3.0 B
Cresol Red ** R 1.0 - 2.0 Y
Quinaldine Red C 1.0 - 2.2 R
Metanil Yellow R 1.2 - 3.0 Y
4-Phenylazodiphenylamine R 1.2 - 2.5 Y
m-Cresol Purple ** R 1.0 - 2.8 Y
Tropacolin O Y/R 1.1 - 12.7 O
Thymol Blue ** R 1.2 - 2.8 Y
Basic Fuchsin P 1.2 - 3.0 R
Methyl Red sodium salt ACS K 1.2 - 3.4 Y
Orange IV R 1.4 - 2.8 Y
Fast Garnet GBC Base O 1.4 - 2.8 Y
Quinaldine Red C 1.4 - 3.2 R
Benzopurourin 4B V 1.2 - 4.0 R
Erythrosin B O 2.2 - 3.6 R
Stains-all C 2.4 - 3.4 P
Tetrabromophenolphthalein Ethyl Ester Potassium Salt Y 3.0 - 4.2 B
Bromophenol Blue ** Y 3.0 - 4.6 B
Bromochlorophenol Blue Y 3.0 - 4.6 B
Congo Red B 3.0 - 5.0 R
Methyl Orange R 3.2 - 4.4 Y
Ethyl Orange R 3.2 - 4.8 Y
1-Naphthyl Red HCl R/Y 3.7 - 5.0 O
Bromocresol Green ** Y 3.8 - 5.4 B
Resazurin O 3.8 - 6.5 Y
Pyrogallol ACS Y 3.8 - 6.6 R
Methyl Red ** K 4.2 - 6.2 Y
Lacmoid R 4.2 - 6.4 B
Ethyl Red R 4.5 - 6.5 Y
Litmus R 4.5 - 8.3 B
Alizarin Red S Y 4.6 - 6.0 R
Propyl Red R 4.6 - 6.6 Y
Carminic Acid Y 4.8 - 6.2 P
Hematoxylin Y 5.0 - 6.0 V/B
o-Nitrophenol C 5.0 - 6.2 Y
Mordant Black 11 R 5.0 - 6.5 B
Chlorophenol Red Y 5.0 - 6.6 R
Bromocresol Purple ** Y 5.2 - 6.8 P
Bromophenol Red O 5.2 - 6.8 P
p-Nitrophenol C 5.4 - 7.6 Y
Bromoxylenol Blue O 5.7 - 7.5 B
Fluorexon / Calcein LG 6.0 - 7.2 DG
Bromothymol Blue ** Y 6.0 - 7.6 B
Brilliant Yellow Y 6.4 - 8.0 O
Xylenol Orange tetrasodium salt ACS Y 6.4 - 10.4 R
Methylthymol Blue sodium salt ACS Y 6.5 - 8.5 B
Phenol Red ** Y 6.8 - 8.4 R
Neutral Red R 6.8 - 8.0 A
Aurin (Rosolic Acid) Y 6.8 - 8.2 R
m-Nitrophenol C 6.8 - 8.6 Y
Cresol Red ** Y 7.0 - 8.8 R
a-Naphtholpthalein Br 7.1 - 8.3 B
Alizarin R 7.2 - 12.4 P
Curcumin Y 7.4 - 8.6 R
Meta Cresol Purple ** Y 7.4 - 9.0 P
Thymol Blue ** Y 8.0 - 9.2 B
Xylenol Blue Y 8.0 - 9.6 B
Phenolphthalein C 8.0 - 10.0 R
o-Cresolphthalein C 8.2 - 9.8 R
Metalphthalein ACS C 8.2 - 9.8 R
p-Naphtholbenzein C 8.2 - 10.0 B
Thymolphthalein C 8.8 - 10.5 B
Nile Blue A B 10.0 - 11.0 P/R
Alizarin Yellow R Y 10.0 - 12.0 R
Curcumin R 10.2 - 11.8 O
Alizarin Yellow GG C 10.0 - 12.0 Y
Pyrogallol ACS P 10.6 - 13.0 P
Indigo Carmine B 11.4 - 13.0 Y
Acid Fuchsin R 12.0 - 14.0 C